Institute of Measurement and Control, UK

Today’s InstMC is an international network of professional engineers and scientists covering the measurement, automation and control field, increasingly collaborating with related organisations. We aim to promote high standards of professional competence, to inform and support our members in their careers, to provide a bridge between academic research and industrial practice, to encourage students into engineering and science, to engage with the wider public and to inform government policy.             

The Institute of Measurement and Control is recognised by Royal Charter as the professional body for scientists and engineers working in measurement, automation and control. Founded in 1944, our members’ original priority was to maintain the national infrastructure and support wartime logistics. During the post-war reconstruction years, attention shifted to developing new major infrastructure programmes including nuclear power, oil and gas, the transport network and major industrial and chemical facilities.  

Our members are still involved in all these areas, but the digital age has opened a new sphere of involvement in the area of sensors linked to intelligence.  This includes the Internet of Things, cyber security, smart cities and transport networks, driverless cars, personal health monitoring and astronomical exploration.

PREV: Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai

NEXT: Synergy Research Club